The live action adaptation of Eiichiro Oda’s beloved anime series, One Piece, has taken the top spot in a survey conducted by Futabasha Publishers. The survey asked fans in Japan about their most highly anticipated Hollywood adaptations, and Netflix’s One Piece came out on top.
The highly anticipated series, consisting of eight episodes, premiered on August 31 and has been receiving positive reviews from fans and viewers alike. The adaptation focuses on the events of the East Blue Saga, the initial arc within the Sea of Survival: Super Rookies Saga.
The first season follows the early adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his diverse crew of pirates as they embark on a quest to find the legendary treasure known as the One Piece. Along the way, they navigate the treacherous Grand Line and encounter formidable enemies.
Coming in second place in the survey is the live action adaptation of Makoto Shinkai’s hit anime film, Your Name. Fans are excited to see how Hollywood will bring this phenomenal story to life.
Your Name tells the story of two teenagers, Mitsuha and Taki, who mysteriously swap bodies at random intervals. Despite living in different parts of Japan, they learn to navigate each other’s lives, leaving messages and adapting to their new circumstances. As they grapple with this inexplicable connection, they become entangled in a larger cosmic phenomenon.
Here is the full list of the most anticipated Hollywood adaptations according to Futabasha’s survey:
Rank | Adaptation |
1 | One Piece |
2 | Your Name |
3 | Gundam |
4 | Ghost Files (Yu Yu Hakusho) |
It’s worth noting that the live action series for One Piece, Gundam, and Ghost Files are co-produced by Netflix. Fans can look forward to these highly anticipated adaptations in the near future.
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READ MORE: Netflix’s One Piece Live Action: Cast, Trailer, Episodes, Release Date