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Three Effective Counters to Valentina in Mobile Legends


Natalia: The Stealthy Assassin

Natalia is a deadly assassin who can quickly eliminate squishy heroes like Valentina. Use her Assassin Instinct to enter the conceal state and move unpredictably between bushes. Take advantage of Hero Lock Mode to target Valentina precisely. Silence her with enhanced basic attacks from Assassin Instinct, then finish her off with The Hunt. Escape using Claw Dash and Smoke Bomb.

Gusion: The Bursting Blade Master

Gusion is another powerful assassin who can burst down Valentina with his deadly combo. Execute the Shadowblade Slaughter-Sword Spike combo, and repeat it after using Incandescence. Alternatively, you can use the easier combo of Shadowblade Slaughter-Incandescence-Shadowblade Slaughter-Sword Spike. Copying Incandescence is not very useful for Valentina, as it doesn’t reset the cooldown of her other skills.

Kagura: The Versatile Mage

Kagura is a versatile mage who can match up well against Valentina. Use Seimei Umbrella Open to slow Valentina, then cast Yin Yang Overturn. Reposition the umbrella near Valentina and pull her in with Rasho Umbrella Flee. Stun her with the initial form of Yin Yang Overturn. Use Rasho Umbrella Flee to create space when your skills are on cooldown. Finish her off with Flameshot if she survives. Don’t worry if Valentina copies you, as she can only use one form of Yin Yang Overturn.

Hero Counter
Natalia Stealth and silence
Gusion Burst damage combo
Kagura Gap closer and crowd control

Valentina is a popular mage hero in Mobile Legends, known for her ultimate ability to copy the skills of her enemies. However, there are several heroes who can effectively counter her and turn the tide of battle. Natalia, with her stealth and silence abilities, can quickly eliminate Valentina before she has a chance to react. Gusion, a master of burst damage, can unleash a deadly combo that overwhelms Valentina. Kagura, a versatile mage, can use her gap-closing and crowd control abilities to outmaneuver Valentina and secure the kill. These heroes provide strong counters to Valentina and should be considered when facing her in the game.



About Christopher Brown

Christopher Brown

We have a wide selection of motorcycles, ranging from beginner-friendly models to high-performance machines, and we also offer a variety of accessories and gear to enhance your riding experience. Whether you are a new rider or an experienced one, we have everything you need to take your motorcycle journey to the next level.





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