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Three Powerful Counters to Pharsa in Mobile Legends


Selena: The Ultimate Positioning Disruptor

Selena is a formidable opponent for heroes like Pharsa who heavily rely on their positioning to safely cast spells. With her Abyssal Trap, Selena can easily uncover hidden enemies lurking in bushes.

As Selena, strategically place Abyssal Traps in different bushes. Once you spot Pharsa, stun her with Abyssal Arrow. Activate Primal Darkness and swiftly eliminate her using the Soul Eater-Garotte combo.

To ensure her demise, equip Flameshot to finish her off if she manages to survive your initial combo. Alternatively, use Flicker to quickly close the gap after hitting her with Abyssal Arrow.

Valentina: The Mage Copycat

Valentina is another top-tier mage hero who can make Pharsa’s life difficult. With high mobility and the ability to copy an enemy’s ultimate skill, Valentina poses a serious threat.

As Valentina, start by copying Pharsa’s Feathered Air Strike using I Am You. Then, close in on her with Arcane Shade and immobilize her with two hits of Shadow Strike.

If Pharsa attempts to escape using Wings by Wings, shoot her down with the Feathered Air Strike that you have copied.

Natalia: The Backline Assassin

Natalia, an assassin hero, excels at eliminating enemies who hide in the backline. With her deadly combo, she can instantly take down Pharsa and prevent her from unleashing her long-range damage.

Activate Natalia’s Assassin Instinct passive to enter conceal state and move from bush to bush to locate Pharsa. Use Hero Lock Mode to ensure she is your intended target before unleashing your combo.

Deliver an enhanced basic attack from Assassin Instinct, followed by an amplified attack from The Hunt to eliminate Pharsa. Then, use Claw Dash and Smoke Bomb to make a swift escape.

Note: Helcurt is also a viable option if Natalia is not available.

Hero Counter
Selena Disrupts Pharsa’s positioning with Abyssal Trap and eliminates her with Primal Darkness combo
Valentina Copies Pharsa’s Feathered Air Strike and immobilizes her with Shadow Strike
Natalia Assassinates Pharsa in the backline using Assassin Instinct and The Hunt combo



About Christopher Brown

Christopher Brown

We have a wide selection of motorcycles, ranging from beginner-friendly models to high-performance machines, and we also offer a variety of accessories and gear to enhance your riding experience. Whether you are a new rider or an experienced one, we have everything you need to take your motorcycle journey to the next level.





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