1. Attack on Avengers: When Titans Meet Superheroes
Did you know that Attack on Titan once crossed paths with Marvel’s Avengers? In a unique collaboration, the manga series joined forces with the popular superhero group in a one-shot manga called “Attack on Avengers.” The story follows the invasion of Manhattan by terrifying titans, and it’s up to the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy to save the day.
2. Experience Titans in Real Life at Universal Studios Japan
If you’ve ever wanted to come face-to-face with a titan, Universal Studios Japan has got you covered. During a limited-time attraction called the Attack on Titan XR Ride, visitors had the chance to encounter life-size titan statues and immerse themselves in the world of Attack on Titan through a thrilling virtual reality roller coaster ride. Keep an eye on USJ’s official Twitter account for updates on future attractions.
3. Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones: Unlikely Inspirations
Believe it or not, the Attack on Titan manga drew inspiration from Western shows like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. Alongside Watchmen, these series influenced Hajime Isayama, the creator of Attack on Titan. Characters from Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones even made cameo appearances as titans in the manga.
4. Levi: A Character Born from Watchmen
The iconic character Levi was actually inspired by the Watchmen series. After watching the show, Isayama decided to create a character similar to Rorschach. This explains Levi’s distinct personality, extraordinary abilities, and his signature white cravat. Watchmen served as the catalyst for Levi’s creation.
5. Real-Life Fighters as Titan Models
The physicality and fighting style of certain titans in Attack on Titan were based on real-life fighters. Eren’s titan form took inspiration from Yushin Okami, a Japanese mixed martial artist, while the Armored Titan drew influence from professional wrestler Brock Lesnar. These fighters served as models for the titans’ appearance and combat techniques.
Fact | Original Content |
1 | “Attack on Avengers” is a collaborative manga between Attack on Titan and Marvel |
2 | Have you visited this Attack on Titan-themed attraction? |
3 | The Attack on Titan manga was inspired by Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones |
4 | Watchmen character “Rorschach” was the forerunner to the creation of Levi |
5 | Titan Eren and the Armored Titan were based on real fighters |