Shintaro Kawakubo, the editor of Attack on Titan, recently shared his favorite characters and titans from the popular manga and anime series. Despite being an antagonist, Annie Leonhart is one of his top picks, along with Mikasa Ackerman and Sasha Blouse. Kawakubo also revealed his favorite titan, a nameless creature that appears in the Battle of Trost District arc. Let’s dive into the details!
Shintaro Kawakubo’s Top Three Favorite Characters
As a long-time fan of Attack on Titan, Kawakubo has developed a fondness for certain characters. His top three favorites are Mikasa Ackerman, Sasha Blouse, and Annie Leonhart. While Mikasa and Sasha are beloved by many fans, Kawakubo’s choice of Annie as a favorite is quite surprising, considering her initial role as an antagonist.
When asked to pick just one out of the three, Kawakubo ultimately chose Annie. He explained that hearing her voice and witnessing her character development throughout the story made him more interested in her.
Kawakubo’s Favorite Titan: The Cute and Scary Nameless One
Instead of selecting one of the well-known superpowered titans, Kawakubo surprised everyone by choosing a nameless titan. To identify this titan, he referred to a specific manga panel from the Battle of Trost District arc.
This particular titan gained attention for devouring Mina Carolina, a secondary character from the 104th Training Corps. When asked why he picked this unknown titan, Kawakubo simply stated that it was both cute and scary at the same time.
With these revelations, fans of Attack on Titan can gain insight into the personal preferences of the series’ editor. Whether it’s the strong and determined Mikasa, the lovable and food-loving Sasha, or the complex and intriguing Annie, each character brings something unique to the story. And even among the countless titans that roam the world of Attack on Titan, there are nameless creatures that capture the editor’s attention with their eerie charm.