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Best Counters to Pudge in Dota 2

Samuel Crossley

Ursa: The Ultimate Pudge Counter

Ursa is the perfect hero to counter Pudge, especially when played as a carry. Pudge thrives on close combat, but Ursa loves it too. With Fury Swipes’ stacking damage, even the tankiest Pudge won’t stand a chance. Ursa’s Enrage and Aghanim’s Shard upgraded Earthshock provide status resistance, making it difficult for Pudge to eliminate him.

Batrider: The Elusive Escape Artist

Batrider is an excellent choice for keeping Pudge at bay. His multiple slows and repositioning abilities, such as Sticky Napalm and Flamebreak, make it challenging for Pudge to catch up. Batrider’s high movement speed and flying movement with Firefly also make it difficult for Pudge to land Hooks. Flaming Lasso is a debuff immunity-piercing spell that keeps Pudge on edge.

Magnus: Disrupting Pudge’s Plans

Magnus has the tools to disrupt Pudge’s game plan. With Skewer and Reverse Polarity, Magnus can stun and reposition Pudge, preventing him from staying in one spot and Rotting down multiple targets. Magnus’ Empower helps accelerate cores, allowing them to outscale Pudge easily.

Timbersaw: The Strength Hero Counter

Timbersaw is the go-to hero for countering strength heroes like Pudge. Whirling Death’s ability to reduce 10% of Pudge’s strength immediately is a significant advantage. Timbersaw’s pure damage and burst spells continue to be effective in the late game. Pudge’s resistance items are no match for Timbersaw’s pure damage, and burst damage counters Pudge’s Flesh Heap.

Grimstroke: Keeping Pudge at Bay

Grimstroke is the ideal support hero to deal with Pudge. Phantom’s Embrace silence prevents Pudge from channeling Dismember, and his slow attack speed makes it difficult for him to get rid of the phantom. Ink Swell allows heroes to escape from Pudge or initiate on him without fear. Soulbind helps leash Pudge to one spot, even through spell immunity.

Please note that the information in the table remains unchanged.


About Christopher Brown

Christopher Brown

We have a wide selection of motorcycles, ranging from beginner-friendly models to high-performance machines, and we also offer a variety of accessories and gear to enhance your riding experience. Whether you are a new rider or an experienced one, we have everything you need to take your motorcycle journey to the next level.





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