The highly anticipated animated series, Castlevania Nocturne, is set to captivate audiences with its thrilling tale of vampire hunting, magic, and revolution. Created by Clive Bradley and produced by Kevin Kolde for Netflix, this dark fantasy series is a spin-off of the beloved Castlevania animated series. Drawing inspiration from Konami’s iconic video game series, particularly Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night, Castlevania Nocturne promises to be a must-watch for fans and newcomers alike.
Release Date
Castlevania Nocturne will be released on September 27 at 9 a.m. PT | 12 p.m. ET | September 28, 12 a.m. GMT+8.
Characters and Voice Actors
Character | Voice Actor |
Richter Belmont | Edward Bluemel |
Maria Renard | Pixie Davies |
Annette | Thuso Mbedu |
Tera | Nastassja Kinski |
Edouard | Sydney James Harcourt |
Olrox | Zahn McClarnon |
Erzsebet Bathory | Franka Potente |
Story and Trailer
Nocturne takes place during the 1792 French Revolution, a time of great upheaval. The series follows Richter Belmont, a descendant of Trevor Belmont and Sypha Belnades, as he embarks on a dangerous journey to combat the forces of darkness threatening humanity. With the help of Maria Renard and a diverse cast of characters, Richter faces vampires, monsters, and supernatural beings while navigating the chaos of the revolution.
In the latest trailer, it is clear that Richter has inherited magical abilities from his mother and acquired vampire hunting skills from his father. These new characters are expected to confront Erzsebet Bathory, the reigning vampire queen.
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