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Counter Wanwan with These Three Heroes

Samuel Crossley

Granger: The Early Game Dominator

Granger is the perfect hero to counter Wanwan in the early game. With his high damage output, especially with his passive ability Caprice, he can easily shut her down before she reaches level 4. Landing all bullets of his ultimate, Rhapsody, on her will deal massive damage. By being aggressive and setting the pace in the laning phase, you can prevent Wanwan from snowballing and easily take her down in the mid-late game.

Franco: The Suppressor

Franco, the tank hero, is a great counter to Wanwan due to his ultimate ability, Bloody Hunt. This ability suppresses her in place, preventing her from using her Needles in Flowers skill. As Wanwan is one of the squishiest marksmen in the game, Franco’s ultimate can often result in an automatic kill if his team’s core or marksman are nearby. Use Franco to set up team fights and ganks throughout the game and take advantage of Wanwan’s vulnerability.

Khufra: The Crowd Control Master

Khufra is a classic counter to Wanwan and other mobile heroes. His crowd control abilities, particularly Bouncing Ball, can stop Wanwan in her tracks. Activating this ability prevents her from dashing and also reduces damage when she uses Crossbow of Tang. Additionally, Khufra can build defensive items to further weaken Wanwan’s damage. Use Khufra’s crowd control skills to disrupt Wanwan’s movements and make it difficult for her to deal damage.

Hero Counter Ability
Granger High damage output in the early game
Franco Ultimate ability suppresses Wanwan
Khufra Crowd control abilities stop Wanwan’s movements

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Whether it’s professional matches or ranked games, Wanwan has been a dominating force in the Land of Dawn. Despite numerous nerfs to her abilities, she still remains one of the strongest marksman when played right.

The Agile Tiger can also be considered one of the more unique heroes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, relying on hitting the weakness of enemy heroes she encounters in order to deal the maximum amount of damage possible.

While you have limited options if you’re facing a truly expert Wanwan player, there are still some heroes you can pick to at least have a chance of winning the match.

Counter Wanwan with these three best heroes


First on our list is a marksman who deals massive damage in the first five minutes of the game. Wanwan is a very weak hero early on in the game, and one way of shutting her down is to be as aggressive as possible in the early game.

If you want to go all-in before level 4, Granger is your best bet. He has a very high damage output thanks to his passive, Caprice. Bonus points if you manage to land all bullets of Rhapsody on her.

Once you set the pace in the laning phase and managed to stop her from snowballing, you can easily kill her in the mid-late game with just a few bullets. You can also opt for other early-game marksmen with high damage such as Bruno or Brody.


Next on our list is a tank we all know how to use, but only a few can pull off in high-ranking games. Franco is the perfect tank for setting up team fights and ganks all throughout the game.

But what makes him perfect against Wanwan is his ultimate, Bloody Hunt, which suppresses her in place. She won’t be able to use Needles in Flowers as it doesn’t stop suppresses.

She is one of the squishiest marksman in the game, and an ultimate from Franco is usually an automatic kill if he his team’s core or marksman are nearby.


Lastly, a classic counter to the Agile Tiger and other mobile heroes is none other than Khufra. What makes him so effective is his wide array of crowd control abilities that can stop Wanwan in her tracks.

Bouncing Ball is a great ability against the Agile Tiger. Activating the ability stops Wanwan from dashing and can also reduce damage every time she uses Crossbow of Tang. To top it all off, you can build defensive items to further weaken her damage.



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