Dragon Ball fans have something to look forward to as a new animated series, Dragon Ball Daima, has been announced at the New York City Comic Con (NYCC) in celebration of the franchise’s 40th anniversary. This upcoming series will bring back beloved characters like Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma, but with a twist – they will be transformed into children, reminiscent of Goku’s transformation in Dragon Ball GT.
Dragon Ball creator, Akira Toriyama, is heavily involved in the production of Daima, ensuring that the original work, story, and character designs stay true to the franchise. This means no more non-canon surprises like Dragon Ball GT. Daima takes place between the events of Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, filling in the gap after the defeat of Majin Buu by the Z Fighters and before the arrival of Beerus.
While the English and Japanese cast for Dragon Ball Daima have yet to be revealed, it has been confirmed that Bulma will make an appearance. The surprise announcement caught even the Bulma actress, Monia Rial, and Whis actor, Ian Sinclair, off guard. However, it remains uncertain if Whis will be part of the series.
A teaser trailer was unveiled at NYCC, showcasing the evolution of the series since its manga debut in 1984. The trailer features scenes of Goku and Vegeta transforming into their younger selves, along with other characters in their chibi form. Although the plot details are scarce, the animation quality displayed in the trailer is impressive.
Dragon Ball Daima is set to release in Fall 2024, as indicated in the teaser trailer. Fans can expect an exciting new chapter in the Dragon Ball universe, filled with nostalgia and fresh adventures. Stay tuned for more updates on this highly anticipated series.
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