
Park “zeetwo” Jeesun: The Unique Journey of an LCK Translator and Live Producer

Samuel Crossley

Park “zeetwo” Jeesun is a name synonymous with the LCK broadcast. Since 2017, she has been working as an interviewer and translator for MVP interviews in the LCK. But her role goes beyond that – she is also a full-time live producer for the league. Married to former SK Telecom T1 bot laner and two-time world champion Bae “Bang” Jun-sik, Jeesun has carved out a unique path in the world of League of Legends esports.

Jeesun started her journey in 2017 when she applied to be a Korean to English translator for LCK MVP interviews. Initially, she only worked part-time, as the interviews were conducted live at the venue after matches. However, in 2019, Riot Games took over the entire LCK production, and Jeesun’s role became more significant.

In 2018, Worlds was held in South Korea, which opened up new opportunities for Jeesun. She applied to be a local translator for the event, and despite facing competition from translators with grad school experience, she was selected due to her familiarity with League of Legends jargon.

During Worlds 2018, Jeesun had a turning point in her career. An LCK producer approached her about conducting interviews for Riot’s official LCK broadcast the following year. Although she kept it low-key and continued her studies, she received a call from the chief producer of LCK, offering her the position of translator and live producer for LCK English.

Jeesun initially worked as a temporary live producer, learning the ropes of the role. Compared to Worlds, the LCK broadcast was less pressure, as it mainly involved following the Korean program and assisting the Korean casters. Eventually, she became the official live producer for LCK, focusing on translations and managing the production process.

As a live producer, Jeesun is involved in recruiting talents for the show, planning yearly programming, and seeking translators to assist with Player of the Game interviews. Her role expanded further when she joined Eefje “sjokz” Depoortere on the English desk at MSI 2023 in London. She also conducted her own interview and provided live translations after the Worlds 2022 finals.

Jeesun acknowledges that her career path is unique, with no standard or model to follow. Despite feeling confused at times, she is happy with her current position as a live producer and enjoys working on the international stage.

Overall, Park “zeetwo” Jeesun’s journey from translator to live producer showcases her dedication and passion for esports. Her role in the LCK and international tournaments has made her a prominent figure in the League of Legends community.


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