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Rank up fast in Mobile Legends with these tips

Samuel Crossley

Play more squad ranked games

Playing Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is all about teamwork and coordination. To increase your chances of winning and ranking up quickly, it’s best to play with a squad of friends rather than solo. Squad ranked games allow for better communication, strategizing, and synergy among teammates. You can plan ganks, prioritize objectives, and cover each other’s weaknesses. Plus, playing with a team ensures a balanced hero composition, which greatly improves your chances of victory.

Master at least three heroes per role

To excel in Mobile Legends, it’s crucial to master multiple heroes in each role. Instead of just focusing on two heroes, aim to become proficient in at least three heroes per role. This provides flexibility and adaptability in different situations. If your main hero gets banned or picked by the enemy team, you’ll have backup options. Additionally, mastering multiple heroes allows you to understand their strengths and weaknesses, making it easier to counter them in-game.

Understand the current meta

Staying updated with the current meta is essential for climbing the ranks in Mobile Legends. The game is constantly evolving, and being aware of the meta helps you make informed decisions. By understanding which heroes are strong and why, you can choose the best picks and counterpicks. It also enables you to prioritize the right items and builds for your chosen hero. Following Mobile Legends esports and watching professional players can give you valuable insights into the current meta.

Watch your game replays and learn from them

One of the most effective ways to improve your gameplay and rank up fast is by watching your game replays. Treat yourself like a pro player and analyze your matches. By reviewing your replays, you can identify mistakes, missed opportunities, and areas for improvement. It helps you develop better game sense, such as map awareness and predicting enemy movements. Pay attention to details like enemy positioning and ability timings. Watching your replays allows you to learn from your own gameplay and make better decisions in future matches.


To rank up quickly in Mobile Legends, focus on playing squad ranked games for better coordination and teamwork. Master at least three heroes per role to have flexibility and counter potential threats. Stay updated with the current meta to make informed picks and item builds. Lastly, watch your game replays to analyze your gameplay and improve your decision-making. By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to climbing the ladder and achieving higher ranks in Mobile Legends.


About Christopher Brown

Christopher Brown

We have a wide selection of motorcycles, ranging from beginner-friendly models to high-performance machines, and we also offer a variety of accessories and gear to enhance your riding experience. Whether you are a new rider or an experienced one, we have everything you need to take your motorcycle journey to the next level.





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