Shueisha, a popular Japanese publishing company, has recently introduced Manga Plus Max, an exclusive subscription service designed for manga enthusiasts. This exciting service, accessible through the Manga Plus app, offers a vast collection of English-translated manga titles, including highly acclaimed series like One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, and many more.
Discover the world of manga like never before with Shueisha’s Manga Plus Max plans. Choose from two options: the Standard Plan and the Deluxe Plan. The Standard Plan grants you access to 80 ongoing series and over 6,000 chapters, while the Deluxe Plan provides unlimited reading of over 15,000 chapters from 190 titles, including completed series.
Standard Plan | US$1.99 for U.S.A., France, Germany, Thailand, Canada, and others US$0.99 for Indonesia, Philippines, India, and others |
No ads | Unlimited reading of over 80 ongoing titles |
Deluxe Plan | US$4.99 for U.S.A., France, Germany, Thailand, Canada, and others US$3.99 for Indonesia, Philippines, India, and others |
No ads | Unlimited reading of over 190 titles, including ongoing and completed series |
Take advantage of the limited-time offer for a free one-month trial of the Standard Plan. Install the Manga Plus app on your mobile or handheld devices to access these incredible subscription plans.
Dive into the world of manga with Manga Plus Max and enjoy popular ongoing series such as One Piece, Chainsaw Man, Oshi no Ko, My Hero Academia, and Jujutsu Kaisen. For completed titles, indulge in shonen classics like Naruto, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Bleach, and many more. Please note that the availability of titles and chapters may vary depending on your region.
Subscribing to Shueisha’s Manga Plus Max plans is easy. Simply download the Manga Plus by Shueisha app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. Open the app and navigate to the “My Shelf” section. Tap on the gear symbol in the upper right corner to access settings. Under “User Status,” click on the Manga Plus Max banner to visit the subscription page. Choose the plan that suits your preferences.
It’s important to mention that the Manga Plus app is available worldwide, excluding Japan, China, and Korea. By using this app, you directly support the creators of these manga titles, as it is managed directly by the Shueisha editorial team in Japan.
Shueisha, founded in 1925, is a renowned publishing company in Japan with a rich history in the manga industry. They have played a significant role in producing iconic and beloved titles such as One Piece, Naruto, and Dragon Ball.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in the captivating world of manga. Subscribe to Manga Plus Max today and embark on an unforgettable reading experience!